Thursday, June 16, 2011

Update From Post-Op

Today I met with Dr. K for my post-op appt. He did a quick examination of my uterus and assured me that everything looked ok. Unfortunately, that was the only good news he had to give me.

He explained to me that when he did the surgery, he was not able to see the opening to my tubes. In his words, when each of us are being formed in our mother's tummy, we're all shaped a little different. The normal uterus has a pear shape, but your uterus is more oval, which is abnormal. The uterus and the fallopian tubes are a connected unit, and we're just not able to see that with yours. Given your history, and the fact that the HSG showed open tubes, and the fact that we've tried IUI twice and both failed, I think your best option at this point is IVF.

Huh? I had the 'what you talking 'bout Willis' look on my face. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was thinking our next step would be Femera + IUI, and he would say that we have a great chance of this working. Instead I heard the dreaded IVF.

At that moment I couldn't fight the tears any longer. I asked him if we could try another IUI, and he said we could if we wanted to, but the chances of success were pretty slim. I bawled my eyes out when he left the room, I just couldn't control myself. I think I scared Mr. M a little because he's never seen me cry that hard.

Even though IVF is stressful on the body, I would not hesitate to go this route, except that we don't have the money to pay for it. Based on the breakdown from the IVF packet, the process could cost as little as $14,500 and as much as $17,500 for 1 cycle. Yikes!!

I'm hoping and praying that we'll find a way to pay for this. In the meantime, we'll be trying naturally and praying for a miracle.

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