Monday, October 31, 2011

I Start Birth Control Pills Tonight!!

I think it's so ironic that I've never taken birth control pills to prevent pregnancy in the past, but now I'm getting ready to take birth control pills so that I can get pregnant. If that isn't backwards, then I don't know what is.

CD 1 was Saturday, which was when I should have started taking the BCPs, but I had such a busy weekend planning and hosting our first Halloween party that I didn't get around to picking up the pills until today. So, I start them tonight, CD 3. I spoke to a nurse today at ERC and she said this should be fine.

I'm a little leery about taking these pills though, because I've heard so many stories about weight gain being one of the side effects. I'm already overweight and would really hate to gain any more pounds. But at this point, I will do whatever it takes to get pregnant. This will ensure that my lining is thin so that Dr. S. can take a good look at my ovaries and hopefully be able to confirm if my tubes are open.

Here goes.............

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

We Have A New Plan!!!!!!!!

Today we met with Dr. S at ERC. We went over my history, Mr. M's history, and our file from ACRM. She said she didn't see why we shouldn't do a couple more IUIs. She thinks that the polyps that was removed in May, may have very well prevented implantation, so moving forward with IUI is a good approach. Her only concern is that my AMH was very good, so we might have to be careful about having multiples.

I voiced my concerns about my short periods, and she suggested taking Clomid and 1 day of injectibles to help with any lining issues.

We also talked about me having a clear HSG but Dr. K not being able to see the openings to my tubes. Her thought is that my lining may have just been 'fluffy' when the hysteroscopy was done. Her method for doing those procedures is to have her patients take birth control pills to thin the lining so that a clear view of the uterus and the openings can be seen. She looked at the films from my HSG and commented that everything looked 'beautiful'.

So the new plan is as follows:

  • At the beginning of my next cycle,  I will call to schedule a HSG and Hysteroscopy to be done at the same time.
  • Begin taking BCP on CD1
  • If my tubes are in fact blocked and if possible, they will insert a catheter to open the tubes
  • Do a couple more IUIs and pray for a BFP
We're very optimistic about this new plan, and we're praying really hard that this works.

Pregnancy Ticker

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers