Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday Madness!!!

This past weekend I found out that my 16 year old cousin who I thought was about 6 months pregnant (her mother supposedly found out about it a month ago) is actually about 8 months pregnant. I found out at my sister's graduation so I didn't have time to really process the information, but I've had some time to think about it today. So my question is this, how the hell do you hide a pregnancy for 7 freaking months? Are you kidding me? I'm not a very judgmental person, but that makes me question my aunt's parenting. Well, several other things have made me question that in the past anyway (like allowing her to get a tattoo for her 16th birthday) so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. But how could you be so clueless? You guys live in a two bedroom house, not a mansion. It's not like you don't see each other everyday. I just can't understand it.

And to add to today's madness, my sister went into the ER earlier today because she had been throwing up all night and into the morning and was worried that her colitis might be coming back. But, it's definitely not that. My mom called this afternoon to tell me that the fish she had been dreaming about was for my sister (Jamaican superstition that when you dream about fish then someone close to you is pregnant) Apparently her period was late but several HPTs came back negative. So she's about 6 weeks pregnant. This was just another kick from IF when I was already at a serious low.

F U Infertility!!!

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