Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday Madness!!

So, last week in my Monday Madness I mentioned that my sister was pregnant. Once again, her pregnancy will be the focus of my Monday madness.

I guess my sister has been having some serious morning, no scratch that, all day, sickness from the pregnancy and isn't really able to keep anything down. So she boldly told my mother yesterday that she doesn't think she can go through with the pregnancy because the symptoms are too much, and she and her boyfriend spoke about it and they're thinking of doing an abortion.

Ehh?? Abor-what??

When I think of myself and all the women struggling with infertility, who have been trying for years, and/or have tried countless treatments and still aren't able to get pregnant, this really hurts my heart. We would gladly accept morning, or all day, sickness with no hesitation.

How can you sit there and say you want to do an abortion because pregnancy symptoms are too much? How is it that you can do an ultrasound, get annoyingly excited about seeing the heartbeat, and then say a few days later that you don't want that anymore? Madness!!!!

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