Friday, July 29, 2011

Five Question Friday

This is a bloghop from

Here are this week's questions and answers:

1. Vow renewal ceremonies-yay or nay? I love the idea. Why not show that after so many years of marriage, you're still willing to publicly profess your love and committment to each other.

2. What sound/s annoy you the most? When people smack while eating, arghhh, so annoying.

3. If you had to pick, would you have only all boys, or only all girls for kids? Before I knew that I would have problems conceiving, I useto wish for wanted all boys. Right now, I'd be more than happy with either one, or both.

4. Do you believe in alternative medicine? Definitely. We have so many homemade remedies back home that are created just from surrounding bushes and they work wonders. This is one of the reasons why I'm willing to do acupuncture along with herbs to help with fertility.

5. Would you take a family member's chidren and raise them if they needed it? In a heartbeat!


  1. I've never tried acupuncture, but I find it fascinating to think that those tiny needles can really work.

    My 5QF answers are posted HERE if you'd like to take a peek! :)

  2. Hello! What a beautiful blog and I'm so glad to be here. I'm popping over here from Five Crooked Halos and their Five Question Friday post.


    And I'd 100% agree with you on alternative ways for health and wellness. I've suffered for years from infertility issues and it is only recently that we've started to see an improvement (and it's due to alternative methods). :)

  3. Hi Ladies,

    Thank you so much for the hop :)

    Amy: I'm intrigued by acupuncture as well. I've seen it work for a lot of people when medicine has failed them, and not just with fertility issues, but also with lifelong migraine issues.

    Becky: I'd love to hear more about your IF journey.


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