Friday, July 15, 2011

Five Question Friday......

Happy Friday All,

Here are my answers to this week's questions from :

1. If you knew your best friend's spouse was cheating on her or him, would you tell her (him)?
Definitely! That's my best friend, and I have no obligation to their spouse. I would def want them to tell me. However, I wouldn't tell them with any expectations, or make any suggestions esp. about separation. I would tell them, let them process the info, and then they can determine if they want my advice or not.

2. Soda in a can or a bottle?
Bottle, I hate drinking out of a can.

3. What do you wash first, hair or body?
Hair first. If I wash my body first, then all the grease and dirt from my hair would just make my body feel dirty again.

4. What advice would you give to any new mama?
I have no experience with kids, so I'm the last person who should ever give advice on raising a child. But, I would def tell them to cherish that life they've been blessed with, because many aren't so fortunate.

5. What is your best hangover remedy?
Not a big drinker so I don't have any good remedies.

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